Full Profesor
- IMFD: Institute Foundational Research on Data
- iHealth: Institute for Intelligent Healthcare Engineering
- CENIA: National Center for Artificial Intelligence
- Nuestra-memorIA
Main research areas: X-ray testing, historical archives, biometrics, machine vision, computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition, and food engineering.
See Publications, Google Scholar.
Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Computer Vision. See more.
Data & Software
- GDXray: Database of X-rays
- Balu: Matlab Toolbox for image processing, pattern recognition,
and computer vision Xvis : Matlab Toolbox for X-ray testing- PyXvis: Python Library for X-ray testing
Graduate Students
M.Sc: Enzo Buscaglia, Esteban Villalobos, Alejandro Kaminetzky, Gabriel Garib
PhD: Jasiel Toscano, Benjamín Huerfano, Alma Pedro.
Under-Graduate Students
iPre: Matías Vinay, Laurence Golborne, Susana Figueroa, Bernardita Morris, Alexander Galleguillos, Arturo Sande, Fernando Arriagada, Pamela Romero, Vicente Casto.
TT: Luis García.
M.Sc: Loreto Prieto, Daniel Saavedra, Sebastián de Vidts, Analí Alfaro, Erick Svec, Marco Arias, Daniel Heinsohn, Tomás Larraín, Germán Mondragón, Esteban Cortázar, Cristóbal Undurraga, Pedro Cortez, Mauricio Ubilla, Hans Loebel, Eduardo Peña, Sergio Hernández,Miguel Carrasco, Dennis Hahn, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Claudio Geng, Ali Karsahin, Baba Taheri, Dirk Machewski.
PhD: Cristobal Moenne, Ana Hincapié, Vladimir Riffo, Christian Pieringer, Miguel Carrasco
PostDoc: Romeu da Silva
Brief Bio
Domingo Mery is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at UC. He received the Diploma (M.Sc.) in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany, 1992 and the Ph.D. degree with distinction at the Technical University of Berlin in 2000. He was a research scientist at the Institute for Measurement and Automation Technology at the Technical University of Berlin, where he collaborated with YXLON X-Ray International. He received a Scholarship from the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for his Ph.D. work. He was Associate Research in 2001 at the Department of Computer Engineering at the University of Santiago, Chile. Now, he is a Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC), Chile. He was Chair of the Computer Science Department in 2005-2009. He was an Associate Visiting Professor at the Computer Vision Research Lab of the University of Notre Dame in 2014-2015. He was Director of Research and Innovation of the School of Engineering at the UC in 2015-2018. He serves as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Information, Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, and the International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems. In addition, he is the Editor of the I3 Journal for Research, Interdisciplinary, and Innovation at the School of Engineering (UC). His research interests include image processing for fault detection in aluminum castings, X-ray imaging, real-time programming, and computer vision. He authorizes over 95 technical SCI publications and more than 100 conference papers. He served as Local Co-chair of ICCV2015 (Santiago de Chile). He was program general chair of the PSIVT2007, program chair PSIVT2009 and General Co-chair of PSIVT2011 (Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology), and 2007 Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition.
- Excellence in Teaching Award (PRED) conferred by the Universidad Católica de Chile, 2020.
- Ron Halmshaw Award for publishing the best paper during 2017 on industrial radiography in journal Insight.
- IAPR Best Paper Presentation at Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2015), Auckland, New Zealand.
- Best Paper Award, International Workshop on Soft-Biometrics in conjunction with European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2014), Zürich, Switzerland.
- John Grimwade Medal for publishing the best paper during 2013 in journal Insight.
- Ron Halmshaw Award for publishing the best paper during 2012 on industrial radiography in journal Insight.
- Ron Halmshaw Award for publishing the best paper during 2005 on industrial radiography in journal Insight.
- Best Paper Award. Panamerican Conference on Non-destructive Testing (PANNDT 2003), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Insight is the Journal of the British Institute of Non-destructive Testing.
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Where I am
Domingo Mery, Departamento de Ciencia de la Computación, Edificio San Agustín, Campus San Joaquín, Universidad Católica de Chile, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860 (143), Santiago de Chile